Monthly Payment Plans Available, from 1 year to 5 years, we will work with you to find a plan that fits your budget!
We believe that every citizen of these United States deserves the opportunity to accumulate
Gold and Minerals through the mining of our bountiful land!
$200.00 Annual Maintenance Fee due to the Bureau of Land Management, Payable from January through August of each year
(623) 374-5411
Call or text Mon. - Sat. 9am-6pm
Meeting by Appointment

Our mission as a company is to provide anyone who catches gold fever a viable outlet for treatment. We strive to sell safe, reasonably priced mining claims that anyone can purchase and yield results with a little hard work.

I’ve had Gold Fever since I was 8. As a small boy I would complete my chores and grab my rock hammer, my trusty old single shot .22 rifle and a jug of water before heading to the hills. We had an old timer that lived down the road so on my returns from my adventures I would stop by to show him my discoveries. He’d take a look at each rock and pitch them into a growing pile, ‘leaverite’ he would announce as he threw them aside. I realized I was being told to ‘leave it right there’ as opposed to having discovered a new precious metal. One day he finally took interest in one of my samples and crushed it down to pan it. When he was done he showed me a string of color in the pan and said ‘that’s high grade gold’ needless to say I was hooked on prospecting from that day on.

Hooked he was. Steve went on to serve his country in Vietnam before getting back to his mining passion. His professional experience includes:
Four years underground contract mining, shaft sinking, driving drifts, raises and haulage adits.
12 years with Falconbridge LTD in Toronto, Canada as a contract explorationist
Founding of Ranger Exploration in 1978
Eight years with Kennecott Exploration in Reno, NV as a contract explorationist
One year of diamond exploration with Kennecott Exploration
Four years exploring and prospecting the southwest by helicopter
Various freelancing and personal mining operations
After leaving the large mining companies for good, Steve delves into Ranger Exploration beginning the mission of selling valuable mining claims. Eventually the name was changed to Ranger Gold Exploration and Mine Finder Gold was founded in 2006. Nicole joined Steve at Mine Finder Gold in 2013 and spent the last decade learning every aspect of the industry. After Steve's passing, Nicole has continued the business under Mine Finder Gold LLC. Combined, Mine Finder Gold is working off 75 years of knowledge and experience.
Payment plans are available to everyone with no interest or hidden fees. Payments are to be paid monthly until paid in full.
Annual Maintenance Fee of $200 paid separately to the BLM, payable January through August.
Discounts available for military, law enforcement and fire fighters. We appreciate your service!
Please contact us if you have any questions!