Prospecting Your Gold Placer Claim
Prospecting Your Gold Placer Claim Last month we covered prospecting your claim with a metal detector. Detectors are inexpensive if you...
BLM Maintenance Fee Debate
One question that comes up often is whether one should pay the annual maintenance fee of $155 each year or file a small miner's waiver to...
Junior Mining Companies
Junior Mining Companies Happy New Year! One of my new year resolutions is to help my friends find more GOLD on their mining claims. It...
Holiday Wishes
We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year! Now through December 24th 2018 - 50% off any Bloody Basin Gold Mining Claim...

Your Voices
Here's to you, the Arizona Mining Claim Holder! In the Season of Thanksgiving we want to thank you for your business! Without you, our...
Spooky Sweet Savings
Fall has arrived, this is a great time of year to be outside. If there's a better way to enjoy the best of mother nature's bounty than...

What Can You Tell Me About Your Mining Claim?
Gold averages 0.004 ppm (parts per million) in the crust of the earth. Knowing this tells you that gold is indeed, a very rare, precious...

Tourism Opportunity
We know many of our claim owners, especially those who reside out of state, are unable to visit their claims regularly. We want to...

If you think the Forty-Niners found all the gold during the Gold Rush one hundred and fifty years ago, guess again. They recovered some...

What Else is Out There?
Have you been following metal prices lately? Gold and silver have been moving in a sideways pattern for quite some time now, up a few...