Copper Gulch #2
• Paying in full or Military service? Enjoy 10% off any listed price.
• Interest Free payment plan; put $200 down and pay $200 monthly until paid in full.
• BLM (Bureau of Land Management) maintenance fee paid directly to BLM, currently $200.00 a year for each claim.
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Copper, silver, lead and zinc occur in veins, veinlets, stringers, pockets and shear zones in outcrops and exposed in washes where bedrock is exposed. The host rocks are volcanic, altered granite and mafic dikes. The mineralization occurs along the contacts in hardrock and placer gold can be recovered in the desert washes and gulches that drain through the area. Our testing revealed some specimen rock and fine to flake placer gold. We have found some beautiful gold-copper specimens out there along with agate.