Gold Butte #1-4
This is a group of 4 Arizona lode mining claims, over 80 acres of mineral rights
- Paying in full or Military service? Enjoy 10% off any listed price.
- Interest free payment plan with 20% ($8000) down, and monthly payments of $900.00
- BLM (Bureau of Land Management) maintenance fee paid directly to BLM, currently $200.00 a year for each claim.
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There are numerous small pits, shafts and trenches that expose copper-gold mineralization on the Gold Butte claim group.
Placer gold can be recovered in many of the small desert washes and gulches.
The Butte Mine, a small past producing gold, copper and barite mine is located about 150 yards east of the east side line of the claim group.
Almost all mineralization occurs along the northern edge of the mountain range, though not everywhere associated with older plutonic rocks. In the Webb Mountain area quartz-tourmaline alteration and quartz-chrysocolla-cuprite veins in small faults suggest remobilization and alteration of previously strata-bound volcanogenic sulfide deposits by younger hydrothermal circulation. The mineral deposits have undergone metamorphism.
A mining investment group holds the claims to the east and rumor has it that they plan to do some exploration drilling and trenching soon.