Gold Hog #8
• Paying in full or Military service? Enjoy 10% off any listed price.
• Interest Free payment plan; $210.00 down and $210.00 monthly until paid in full.
• BLM (Bureau of Land Management) maintenance fee paid directly to BLM, currently $200.00 a year for each claim.
Mineralization & Geology
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Gold Hog #8 is a 20 acre unpatented lode claim. Part of a large group of claims. Numerous gold bearing rusty (iron stained) quartz veins are exposed in the washes, slopes, small prospect pits and ridge tops. Many of these veins are concealed with a thin cover of alluvium. The host rocks are altered, coarse grained granite, granite gneiss with abundant limonite and small bands of mica schist.
The Gold Hog Group is situated on or along the main detachment fault that runs from the Belmont Mountains, located southeast, up through the Gold Leaf, the San Marcos and the Gold Hog, on to the northwest into the Whipple Mountains in California.
I personally have picked up pieces of rusty quartz float with visible gold in streaks and specks down-slope from the San Marcos area. Our testing in washes, gulches and bed-rock crevices has produced a fair amount of placer gold, fines, flakes and pickers.