Midway Gold #3
• Paying in full or Military service? Enjoy 10% off any listed price.
• Interest Free payment plan; $200.00 down and pay $200.00 monthly until paid in full.
• BLM (Bureau of Land Management) maintenance fee paid directly to BLM, currently $200.00 a year for each claim.
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Midway Gold #3 is located on the northeastern flanks of the Belmont Mountains. The claim is about 2 miles north east of the Black Pearl Mine and about one mile northeast of the Scott Mine. A large detachment fault strikes in a NW-SE direction and the veins are situated on high angle silicified faults that strike eastward and can be traced for over 4 miles. Minerals consist of (gold up to .10 opt, silver to 7 opt., copper to 1.5%, lead, and zinc to 20% combined). The ore occurs in pockets, quartz rich veins, thin to wide shear zones along strike. About 65% of the veins are covered with a thin layer of alluvium but can be traced by float. There is an old covered shaft.