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Mystic Gold #2

Mystic Gold #2

SKU: AZ106713525

• Paying in full or Military service? Enjoy 10% off any listed price. 

• Interest Free payment plan; put $185.00 down, pay $185.00 monthly until paid in full.

• BLM (Bureau of Land Management) maintenance fee paid directly to BLM, currently $200.00 a year for each claim.

This group of placer claims for the most part are situated in a large catch basin, cut by numerous small desert washes and gulches draining from small ridges and hills. The washes and gulches have some very gold rich hot spots. Old past lode producers are NE, N, NW, W, SW & S. of the claims. Placer gold is found in a long north to south wash near or on bedrock. The side gulches to the east that run into the main wash produced placer gold as well. No gold bearing quartz veins were found on the claim but we did not cover the entire claim area. Any gold bearing structures are probably concealed by alluvium which is abundant in this valley. 

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