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Treasure Gold #2

Treasure Gold #2

SKU: AZ106713521

• Paying in full or Military service? Enjoy 10% off any listed price. 

• Interest Free payment plan; put $290.00 down, pay $290.00 monthly until paid in full.

• BLM (Bureau of Land Management) maintenance fee paid directly to BLM, currently $200.00 a year for each claim.

The host rock on the Treasure Gold # 2 is Yavapai Schist, a few narrow bands of altered intrusive and felsic dikes. The claim has an abundance of surface quartz float from surface veins and veins that are covered with a shallow layer of alluvium. Most of the gulches and small washes carry placer gold that has eroded from the numerous veins on and off the claim. The southwest corner of Treasure Gold #2 is approximately 1500 feet northeast of the main shaft at the Hidden Treasure block of claims.
This claim is a perfect spot to process the gold bearing placer ground above  gold-bearing veins and crush and process the gold ore to say minus 80 mesh to recover the gold or sell the rock specimens that show visible gold.
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