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SKU: AZ106713523

• Paying in full or Military service? Enjoy 10% off any listed price. 

• Interest Free payment plan; put $245.00 down, pay $245.00 monthly until paid in full.

• BLM (Bureau of Land Management) maintenance fee paid directly to BLM, currently $200.00 a year for each claim.

The UTE claim is situated in the heart of the Black Canyon Mining District on the eastern slopes of the gold-rich Bradshaw Mountains. Gold production dates back to the 1860's when prospectors discovered rich placer gold in the streams, washes and gulches. Eventually, the placer gold was traced up-stream to the source, extremely rich quartz veins, ledges, and shear zones. Many shafts, tunnels, trenches, and pits dot the gold-rich valley and mountain range. 
The host rock for most of the lode and placer gold is Precambrian Yavapai schist. A long belt of schist, 60 plus miles by several miles in width  traverses the valley in a north-south direction. Both east and west of the belt of schist a coarse-grained granite intrudes the schist. This granite forms most of the rugged Bradshaws and is also gold bearing. The weathered granite to the east is locally capped by basalt and not by any means as productive as the west side. 

The gold-rich placer mineralization occurs in the ragged schist outcrops and in cracks, fractures, and crevices and in the shallow alluvial cover. Elevations on the claims average over 3000 feet and about 15+ degrees cooler than Phoenix in the hot summer months.

The quartz carries gold that can be recovered by crushing the material with a small gas powered crusher and concentrating the material with a dry washer or other means. Gold bearing quartz veins in the schist are generally rusty from iron staining and usually vuggy. Small outcrops of altered granite, mafic, and felsic dikes cut the basement schist. Our testing recovered gold in both the schist and the altered granite. 

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